Studies in geography in Hungary / Research Institute of Geography, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Contributor(s): Resource type: Ressourcentyp: ReiheSeriesVolumes: Show volumesPublisher: Budapest : Akad. Kiadó, 1967-ISSN:- 0081-7961
- 050
- 910
- 12=1 von: British Hungarian Geographical Seminar (ZDB). British Hungarian Geographical Seminar. Budapest, 1976
- 17=1 von: International Conference on Geomorphology (ZDB). Contribution to the International Geomorphological Conference. [s.l.] , 1985
- 19=8 von: International Union of Geological Sciences. Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy. Contribution to the ... congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy. Budapest : Akad. k., 1985
- 22=1 von: Austro-Hungarian Geographical Seminar (ZDB). Proceedings of the Austro-Hungarian Geographical Seminar. Budapest, 1988
- 24=4 von: British Hungarian Geographical Seminar (ZDB). Proceedings of the ... British-Hungarian Geographical Seminar. Budapest : Akad. Kiadó, 1989
- 21=12 von: International Union for Quaternary Research. Hungarian National Committee. Contribution of the INQUA Hungarian National Committee to the ... INQUA Congress. Budapest : Akad. Kiadó, 1987
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