The yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education

By: Resource type: Ressourcentyp: ReiheSeriesLanguage: English Volumes: Show volumesPublisher: New York, NY : Teachers College, Columbia Univ., 1902-Description: 23 cmISSN:
  • 0077-5762
Former title: Früherer Titel: The ... yearbook of the National Society for the scientific Study of Education, Haupttitel 1910Genre/Form: Additional physical formats: 1744-7984 | Erscheint auch als: The yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Online-Ausg. New York, NY : Teachers College Record, 1902. Online-RessourceDDC classification:
  • 370
  • 370
RVK: RVK: SM 603Publication dates: Erscheinungsverlauf: N.S. Nr. 1.1902 -Publication frequency: Erscheinungsweise: Ersch. jährl.Continues: Vorg.: National Herbart Society. Yearbook / National Herbart Society., Chicago, Ill., 1896PPN: PPN: 129460850ZDB ID: ZDB-ID: 200580-3
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