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Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Modern Physics : Special Relativity, Quantum and Statistical Physics / by Carlo Maria Becchi, Massimo D'Elia

Von: Mitwirkende(r): Resource type: Ressourcentyp: Buch (Online)Buch (Online)Sprache: Englisch Reihen: Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics | SpringerLink BücherVerlag: Cham [u.a.] : Springer, 2016Auflage: 3rd ed. 2016Beschreibung: Online-Ressource (X, 243 p. 9 illus, online resource)ISBN:
  • 9783319206301
Schlagwörter: Genre/Form: Andere physische Formen: 9783319206295 | Druckausg.: 978-3-319-20629-5 | Erscheint auch als: Introduction to the basic concepts of modern physics. Druck-Ausgabe Third edition. Cham : Springer, 2016. x, 243 SeitenDDC-Klassifikation:
  • 530.1
MSC: MSC: *00A79 | 81-01 | 81-02 | 83-01RVK: RVK: UC 300LOC-Klassifikation:
  • QC178 QC173.5-173.65
  • QC178
  • QC173.5-173.65
DOI: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20630-1Online-Ressourcen:
Zusammenfassung: Introduction to Special Relativity -- Michelson–Morley Experiment and Lorentz Transformations -- Relativistic Kinematics -- Introduction to Quantum Physics.-The Photoelectric Effect -- Bohr’s Quantum Theory -- De Broglie’s Interpretation -- Schrodinger’s Equation -- The Potential Barrier -- Quantum Wells and Energy Levels -- The Harmonic Oscillator -- Periodic Potentials and Band Spectra -- The Schrodinger Equation in a Central Potential -- Introduction to the Statistical Theory of Matter -- Thermal Equilibrium by Gibbs’ Method -- The Pressure and the Equation of State.- A Three Level System -- The Grand Canonical Ensemble and the Perfect Quantum Gas.Zusammenfassung: This is the third edition of a well-received textbook on modern physics theory. This book provides an elementary but rigorous and self-contained presentation of the simplest theoretical framework that will meet the needs of undergraduate students. In addition, a number of examples of relevant applications and an appropriate list of solved problems are provided.Apart from a substantial extension of the proposed problems, the new edition provides more detailed discussion on Lorentz transformations and their group properties, a deeper treatment of quantum mechanics in a central potential, and a closer comparison of statistical mechanics in classical and in quantum physics. The first part of the book is devoted to special relativity, with a particular focus on space-time relativity and relativistic kinematics. The second part deals with Schrödinger's formulation of quantum mechanics. The presentation concerns mainly one-dimensional problems, but some three-dimensional examples are discussed in detail. The third part addresses the application of Gibbs’ statistical methods to quantum systems and in particular to Bose and Fermi gases.PPN: PPN: 1657870693Package identifier: Produktsigel: ZDB-2-SEB | ZDB-2-SXP | ZDB-2-PHA
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