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Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics : Theory, Exercises and Solutions / by Jan Ubøe

Von: Resource type: Ressourcentyp: Buch (Online)Buch (Online)Sprache: Englisch, Norwegisch Reihen: Springer Texts in Business and Economics | SpringerLink BücherVerlag: Cham : Springer, 2017Beschreibung: Online-Ressource (XIV, 466 p. 121 illus., 102 illus. in color, online resource)ISBN:
  • 9783319709369
Schlagwörter: Andere physische Formen: 9783319709352 | Erscheint auch als: 978-3-319-70935-2 Druck-AusgabeDDC-Klassifikation:
  • 330.015195 23
MSC: MSC: *62-01 | 62P05 | 62P20 | 62Fxx | 62Jxx | 91-01 | 91G70 | 60-01LOC-Klassifikation:
  • QA276-280
DOI: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70936-9Online-Ressourcen: Zusammenfassung: Introduction.- Descriptive statistics.- Probability.- Combinatorics.- Conditional probability.- Random variables, mean and variance.- Joint distributions.- Basic probability distributions.- Estimation.- Hypothesis testing.- Commonly used tests -- Linear regression -- SolutionsZusammenfassung: This textbook discusses central statistical concepts and their use in business and economics. To endure the hardship of abstract statistical thinking, business and economics students need to see interesting applications at an early stage. Accordingly, the book predominantly focuses on exercises, several of which draw on simple applications of non-linear theory. The main body presents central ideas in a simple, straightforward manner; the exposition is concise, without sacrificing rigor. The book bridges the gap between theory and applications, with most exercises formulated in an economic context. Its simplicity of style makes the book suitable for students at any level, and every chapter starts out with simple problems. Several exercises, however, are more challenging, as they are devoted to the discussion of non-trivial economic problems where statistics plays a central partPPN: PPN: 1658623800Package identifier: Produktsigel: ZDB-2-SEB | ZDB-2-SXMS | ZDB-2-SMA
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