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Assessing Socioeconomic Resilience to Floods in 90 Countries / Stephane Hallegatte

Von: Mitwirkende(r): Resource type: Ressourcentyp: Buch (Online)Buch (Online)Sprache: Englisch Reihen: World Bank E-Library ArchiveVerlag: Washington, D.C : The World Bank, 2016Beschreibung: 1 Online-Ressource (29 Seiten)Andere physische Formen: Erscheint auch als: Assessing Socioeconomic Resilience to Floods in 90 Countries. Druck-Ausgabe Washington, D.C : The World Bank, 2016DOI: DOI: 10.1596/1813-9450-7663Online-Ressourcen: Zusammenfassung: This paper presents a model to assess the socioeconomic resilience to natural disasters of an economy, defined as its capacity to mitigate the impact of disaster-related asset losses on welfare, and a tool to help decision makers identify the most promising policy options to reduce welfare losses due to floods. Calibrated with household surveys, the model suggests that welfare losses from the July 2005 floods in Mumbai were almost double the asset losses, because losses were concentrated on poor and vulnerable populations. Applied to river floods in 90 countries, the model provides estimates of country-level socioeconomic resilience. Because floods disproportionally affect poor people, eachPPN: PPN: 1724868047Package identifier: Produktsigel: ZDB-1-WBA
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