Business tendency and consumer opinion surveys (Edition 2019) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Contributor(s): Resource type: Ressourcentyp: Buch (Online)Book (Online)Language: English Series: Main Economic IndicatorsPublisher: Paris : OECD Publishing., [2019]Description: 1 Online-RessourceSubject(s): DOI: DOI: 10.1787/5c360e8d-enOnline resources: Summary: This subset of the Main Economic Indicators (MEI) database covers a set of indicators for business tendency and consumer opinion surveys (used in the calculation of leading indicators). Business tendency indicators cover four economic sectors: manufacturing, construction, retail trade and services. This includes business confidence indicators for each sector. The consumer opinion survey indicators include indicators on consumer confidence, expected economic situation and price expectations. Data are expressed as a percentage of net balances, seasonally adjusted, or as an index (2010 = 100) in the case of the harmonised business and consumer confidence indicators. Data are available from the 1950s onwards.PPN: PPN: 1832842940Package identifier: Produktsigel: ZDB-13-SOC-ebook | ZDB-13-SOC
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