Main Science and Technology Indicators (Edition 2018/2) / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Contributor(s): Resource type: Ressourcentyp: Buch (Online)Book (Online)Language: English Series: OECD Science, Technology and R&D StatisticsPublisher: Paris : OECD Publishing., [2018]Description: 1 Online-RessourceSubject(s): DOI: DOI: 10.1787/072c24c4-enOnline resources: Summary: Main Science and Technology provides a set of indicators that reflect the level and structure of the efforts undertaken by OECD Member countries and selected non-member economies in the field of Science and Technology from 1981 onwards. Indicators cover resources devoted to research and development (R&D), researchers, patent families, technology balance of payments and international trade in highly R&D-intensive industries.PPN: PPN: 1832849481Package identifier: Produktsigel: ZDB-13-SOC-ebook | ZDB-13-SOCNo physical items for this record