Earthquakes and the registration of earthquakes / seismographic stations of the University of California
Resource type: Ressourcentyp: ZeitschriftPeriodicalVolumes: Bände: Show volumesZeige BändePublisher: Berkeley, Calif., 1931-Former title: Früherer Titel: Earthquakes in Northern California and Nevada and the registration of earthquakes, Hauptsacht. 1948,Okt.-DezGenre/Form: DDC classification:- 550
- 1950,Juli - 1953,Juni[?]: Earthquakes in Northern California, Nevada, and Oregon and registration of earthquakes. Berkeley : Unif. of Calif. Pr., 1950
- 1980,1=50,1; 1980,2=50,2; 1981=51; 1982=52; 1983=53; 1984=54; 1985=55,1/2 von: Bulletin of the seismographic stations. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1924
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