Catalogue of publications of the Geological Survey, Canada / Geological Survey Branch, Department of Mines, Canada

By: Resource type: Ressourcentyp: ZeitschriftPeriodicalVolumes: Bände: Show volumesZeige BändePublisher: Ottawa, 1906-1912Genre/Form: DDC classification:
  • 550
Call number: Grundsignatur: Kl 100Publication dates: Erscheinungsverlauf: 1843/1904(1906); 1843/1908(1909); Suppl. list 1912 nachgewiesenHoldings: KIT-Bibliothek (Kl 100): 1843/1904(1906); 1843/1908(1909); KIT-Bibliothek (Kl 100) Supplementary list: 1912Get a copy of article (LEA)Aufsatzkopie bestellen (LEA)Continued by: Forts.: Geological Survey of Canada. Annotated catalogue and guide to the publications of the Geological Survey, Canada / Geological Survey Branch, Department of Mines, Canada., Ottawa, 1920Other relationships: Weitere Beziehungen: PPN: PPN: 185258344ZDB ID: ZDB-ID: 1231846-2
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