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Theory of dimensions finite and infinite / Ryszard Engelking

By: Resource type: Ressourcentyp: BuchBookLanguage: English Series: Sigma series in pure mathematics ; 10Publisher: Berlin : Heldermann, 1995Description: VIII, 401 S : graph. Darst ; 24 cmISBN:
  • 3885380102
Subject(s): Genre/Form: MSC: MSC: *54-02 | 54F45 | 55M10RVK: RVK: SK 300 | SK 280Call number: Grundsignatur: 95 A 5207PPN: PPN: 187241074
Item type Home library Collection Shelving location Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Freihandbestand ausleihbar Bibliothek Campus Süd math 5.1 Lesesaal Technik (LST) 95 A 5207 Available 45989552090
Total holds: 0

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