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Nomenclature of organic chemistry : definitive rules for Section A. Hydrocarbons, Section B. Fundamental heterocyclic systems, Section C. Characteristic groups containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, halogen, sulfur, selenium, and/or tellurium / issued by the Commission on the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry

Contributor(s): Resource type: Ressourcentyp: BuchBookLanguage: English Publisher: London : Butterworths, 1969 [erschienen] 1971Edition: 3. ed. (Sec. A u. B), 2. ed. (Sec. C)Description: XIII, 337 SISBN:
  • 0408701447
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 547/.001/4 18
RVK: RVK: VK 5030Action note:
  • 3
PPN: PPN: 187597561
Item type Home library Call number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Institutsbestand IPC V i5<FBC> Not for loan
Total holds: 0

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