United States magnetic tables and magnetic charts / Coast and Geodetic Survey

Contributor(s): Resource type: Ressourcentyp: ZeitschriftPeriodicalLanguage: English Volumes: Bände: Show volumesZeige BändePublisher: Washington, DC : Gov. Print. Off., 1908-1948Other title:
  • Serial / Magnetic tables and magnetic charts
  • Serial / United States magnetic tables and magnetic charts
Former title: Früherer Titel: Magnetic tables and magnetic charts, Hauptsacht. anfangsGenre/Form: DDC classification:
  • 530
Call number: Grundsignatur: Os 244Publication dates: Erscheinungsverlauf: 1905(1908) - 1945(1948) nachgewiesenHoldings: KIT-Bibliothek (Os 244): 1925(1929)Get a copy of article (LEA)Aufsatzkopie bestellen (LEA)Continued by: Forts.: United States magnetic tables for ..., Washington, DC : Gov. Print. Off., 1962Other relationships: Weitere Beziehungen: PPN: PPN: 187805318ZDB ID: ZDB-ID: 1249480-X
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