Benutzerdefiniertes Cover
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Human rights and Chinese values : legal, philosophical, and political perspectives / ed. by Michael C. Davis

Mitwirkende(r): Resource type: Ressourcentyp: BuchBuchSprache: Englisch Verlag: Hong Kong [u.a.] : Oxford University Press, 1995Beschreibung: X, 216 SISBN:
  • 0195867823
  • 0195867815
Schlagwörter: Genre/Form: DDC-Klassifikation:
  • 323.0951
  • 323/.0951
RVK: RVK: MH 50065 | PR 2213 | PO 8079LOC-Klassifikation:
  • JC599.C6
Chinese perspectives on human rights / Michael C. Davis
Chinese perspectives on human rights / Michael C. Davis
Human rights today / Claude Lefort
Relating human rights to Chinese culture : the four paths of the Confucian Analects and the four principles of a new theory of benevolence / Du Gangjian and Song Gang
Are rights culture-bound? / Margaret Ng
Human rights and non-Western values / Eliza Lee
On human rights and their guarantee by law / Yu Haocheng
Human rights and the political development of contemporary China, 1979-1994 / Zhu Feng
The Vienna process and the importance of universal standards in Asia / Christine Loh
Adopting international standards of human rights in Hong Kong / Michael Davis
Why Hong Kong should have equal opportunities legislation and a human rights commission / Anna Wu Hungyuk.
Human rights today / Claude Lefort
Relating human rights to Chinese culture : the four paths of the Confucian Analects and the four principles of a new theory of benevolence / Du Gangjian and Song Gang
Are rights culture-bound? / Margaret Ng
Human rights and non-Western values / Eliza Lee
On human rights and their guarantee by law / Yu Haocheng
Human rights and the political development of contemporary China, 1979-1994 / Zhu Feng
The Vienna process and the importance of universal standards in Asia / Christine Loh
Adopting international standards of human rights in Hong Kong / Michael Davis
Why Hong Kong should have equal opportunities legislation and a human rights commission / Anna Wu Hungyuk.
Call number: Grundsignatur: 2004 A 15726PPN: PPN: 278789862
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Magazinbestand ausleihbar Bibliothek Campus Süd phil 7 Geschlossenes Magazin 2004 A 15726 Verfügbar 47047466090
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