Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences = PRIMS / Kyoto University

By: Resource type: Ressourcentyp: Zeitschrift (Online)Periodical (Online)Language: English Volumes: Bände: Show volumesZeige BändePublisher: Zürich : European Mathematical Soc. Publ. House, 1965-Publisher: Kyōto : Univ., 1965-Description: Online-RessourceISSN:
  • 1663-4926
Other title:
Genre/Form: Additional physical formats: 0034-5318 | Erscheint auch als: Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Druck-Ausgabe Berlin : EMS Press, 1969. BändeDDC classification:
  • 510.5 23/ger
  • 510
DOI: DOI: 10.2977/PRIMSOnline resources: Notes: Anmerkungen: secure electronic transmission, whereby the electronic file is deleted immediately after printing | "secure electronic transmission, whereby the electronic file is deleted immediately after printing" | "secure electronic transmission, whereby the electronic file is deleted immediately after printing"Publication dates: Erscheinungsverlauf: 1.1965 -Holdings: KIT-Bibliothek, Allianz-Lizenz: 1.1965,1 - 58.2022; KIT-Bibliothek: 1.1965 -, Die letzten 6 Jg. sind nicht zugänglich; Fachbibliothek DHBW-KA, Nationallizenz: 1.1965,1 - 58.2022; Fachbibliothek HKA, Nationallizenz: 1.1965,1 - 58.2022; KIT-Bibliothek, Allianz-Lizenz: 59.2023 -; KIT-Bibliothek: 59.2023,1 -; Fachbibliothek HKA, Nationallizenz: 59.2023 -; Fachbibliothek DHBW-KA, Nationallizenz: 59.2023 -PPN: PPN: 527564893ZDB ID: ZDB-ID: 2274999-8Package identifier: Produktsigel: ZDB-1-EMS | ZDB-1-EMSK
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