Journal of environmental biology : an internat. journal concerned with toxicology and the interrelations of organisms and their environment / The Academy of Environmental Biology, India

Resource type: Ressourcentyp: Zeitschrift (Online)Periodical (Online)Language: English Volumes: Bände: Show volumesZeige BändePublisher: Lucknow : Acad., 2006-Description: Online-RessourceOther title:
  • JEB
Genre/Form: Additional physical formats: 0254-8704 | Erscheint auch als: Journal of environmental biology. Druck-Ausgabe. Muzaffarnagar, 1980DDC classification:
  • 570
Online resources: Publication dates: Erscheinungsverlauf: Nachgewiesen 27.2006 -Holdings: KIT-Bibliothek: 2006 -PPN: PPN: 640089798ZDB ID: ZDB-ID: 2581524-6
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