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The politics of scientific advice : institutional design for quality assurance / Justus Lentsch and Peter Weingart (eds.)

Contributor(s): Resource type: Ressourcentyp: BuchBookLanguage: English Publisher: Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011Edition: 1. publDescription: XIX, 381 S. : graph. Darst. ; aISBN:
  • 9780521177153
  • 9781107003705
  • 0521177154
  • 1107003709
Subject(s): Genre/Form: Additional physical formats: Online-Ausg.: The politics of scientific advice. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. XIX, 381 S. | Online-Ausg. bei Cambridge: The politics of scientific advice. Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011. XIX, 381 S.RVK: RVK: MD 7500LOC classification:
  • Q225
I.Methodological Issues: Quality Control and Assurance in Scientific Policy Advice:1.Introduction: the quest for quality as a challenge to scientific policy advice: an overdue debate? / Justus Lentsch and Peter Weingart;2.Quality control and peer review in advisory science
II.Collegial Science Advisory Bodies:5.Knowledge, advice and influence: the role of the UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, 1970-2009 / Susan Owens;6.International Commission on Radiological Protection: policy and worldwide standards
III.Collegial Science Policy Advisory Bodies:8.RMNO and quality control of scientific advice to policy / Bert de Wit;9.Quality assurance through procedures: policy advice by the German Science Council
IV.Research-Based Advisory Organizations:10.The industrial organisation of economic policy preparation in The Netherlands / Frank A. G. den Butter;11.Quality control for the leading institutes of economic research in Germany: promoting quality within and competition between the institutes
V.Academies of Science:17.Scientific advice for policy in the United States: lessons from the National Academies and the former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment / Peter D. Blair;18.Quality control in scientific policy advice: the experience of the Royal Society
Summary: "Controversies over issues such as genetically engineered food, foot-and-mouth disease and the failure of risk models in the global financial crisis have raised concerns about the quality of expert scientific advice. The legitimacy of experts, and of the political decision-makers and policy-makers whom they advise, essentially depends on the quality of the advice. But what does quality mean in this context, and how can it be achieved? This volume argues that the quality of scientific advice can be ensured by an appropriate institutional design of advisory organisations. Using examples from a wide range of international case studies, including think tanks, governmental research institutes, agencies and academies, the authors provide a systematic guide to the major problems and pitfalls encountered in scientific advice and the means by which organisations around the world have solved these problems"--Summary: "Controversies over issues such as genetically engineered food, foot-and-mouth disease and the failure of risk models in the global financial crisis have raised concerns about the quality of expert scientific advice. The legitimacy of experts, and of the political decision-makers and policy-makers whom they advise, essentially depends on the quality of the advice. But what does quality mean in this context, and how can it be achieved? This volume argues that the quality of scientific advice can be ensured by an appropriate institutional design of advisory organisations. Using examples from a wide range of international case studies, including think tanks, governmental research institutes, agencies and academies, the authors provide a systematic guide to the major problems and pitfalls encountered in scientific advice and the means by which organisations around the world have solved these problems"--Call number: Grundsignatur: 2011 A 4217PPN: PPN: 642951160
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Freihandbestand ausleihbar Bibliothek Campus Süd pol 1.2 Lesesaal Geisteswissenschaften (LSG) 2011 A 4217 ;b Available 53519714090
Handbibliothek ITAS Handbibliothek (Ausleihe und Einsicht nicht möglich) 2011 A 4217 Checked out Ausleihe und Einsicht nicht möglich 26.07.2031 50664380090
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