Артист и сцена : иллюстрированный двухнедѣльный журнал
Artist i scena : illjustrirovannyj dvuchnedělʹnyj žurnal
Resource type: Ressourcentyp: Zeitschrift (Online)Periodical (Online)Language: Russian Volumes: Bände: Show volumesZeige BändePublisher: S.-Peterburg : Astaševa i Sadovskij, 1910-1912Description: Online-RessourceOther title:- Abweichende Umschrift des Haupttitels: Artist i st͡sena
- 792
Digital. Ausg.: Leiden : Brill, 2010. (Primary Sources for Slavic Studies : Screen and stage)
Leiden : Brill, 2010-2010. (Primary Sources for Slavic Studies : Screen and stage). Digital. Ausg.: Leiden : Brill, 2010. (Primary Sources for Slavic Studies : Screen and stage) |20102010||||||
In kyrill. Schr., Text russ