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A course in functional analysis / John B. Conway

By: Resource type: Ressourcentyp: BuchBookLanguage: English Series: Graduate texts in mathematics ; 96Publisher: New York [u.a.] : Springer, [erschienen 2006]Edition: 2. ed., 9. [print.]Description: XVI, 399 S. : graph. Darst. ; 25 cmISBN:
  • 3540972455
  • 0387972455
Subject(s): MSC: MSC: *46-02 | 47-02 | 47A53RVK: RVK: SK 600LOC classification:
  • QA320
Action note:
  • 1
Summary: This book is an introductory text in functional analysis, aimed at the graduate student with a firm background in integration and measure theory. Unlike many modern treatments, this book begins with the particular and works its way to the more general, helping the student to develop an intuitive feel for the subject. For example, the author introduces the concept of a Banach space only after having introduced Hilbert spaces, and discussing their properties. The student will also appreciate the large number of examples and exercises which have been includedPPN: PPN: 025248731
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Freihandbestand Präsenznutzung Fachbibliothek Mathematik Vorlesungspräsenz FBM Analys. / Con Not for loan Standort: Vorlesungspräsenz | Präsenzexemplar - nicht ausleihbar 36436477090
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