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Introduction to the thermodynamics of solids / J. L. Ericksen

By: Resource type: Ressourcentyp: BuchBookLanguage: English Series: Applied mathematics and mathematical computation ; 1Publisher: London [u.a.] : Chapman and Hall, 1991Edition: 1. edDescription: XII, 204 S : graph. DarstISBN:
  • 0412398400
  • 041231830X
Subject(s): MSC: MSC: *62Jxx | 62J05 | 62J10 | 62-02 | 62K99 | 62-01 | 62-04RVK: RVK: UG 1000PPN: PPN: 025599089
Item type Home library Shelving location Call number Status Notes Date due Barcode Item holds
Freihandbestand ausleihbar Fachbibliothek Mathematik Bibliothek / frei aufgestellt Stroem./Therm. / Eri Available 36483978090
Institutsbestand IMB M 385 <M> Not for loan Standort: Mass. 02015338409
Total holds: 0

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